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You remember the days! Couldn’t turn a corner or cross a street without running over a muscle-pumped freak in a cape, shouting lofty platitudes and squaring off AGAIN before the next revolving door villain to rule the world! Then one magic day it all changed! An oh so subtle shift filled the ethers! The stars aligned just right, the gods smiled down with benevolence… and there it was, peeking with seductive confidence from the newsstand like an old friend that never quite went away. A little bit of EC, a dash of Bradbury, a soup con of George Pal… the kind of comics with a beginning a middle and a joltingly unexpected end! The kind of comics that made Saturday afternoons brighter, autumn nights darker and the wait between issues maddeningly unendurable!

Return with us now to the fevered rush found of days when limitless imagination ruled, a sense of WONDER was the biggest part of the week, heroes weren’t always heroes, the sun didn’t always rise, and the greatest villains sometimes looked back at you from the abyss!


And Thomas Jane, Tim Bradstreet and Raw’s got it!


Reach out again… far past the soft nebulae, restless jungles and unnamable regions of space/ time to those uniquely uncharted vistas and bottomless possibilities where man and beast can vanish abruptly in  a white hot rush of cosmic intensity…yet linger on in the mind forever…

Slip into your boots, now. Buckle on your blaster. Unlock the pressure hatch and step outward to a million, million myriad islands of the unexplored, held deep in the star flung blackness of your imagination…

…Alien Worlds await!

You won’t be alone. Richard Corben will guide you…along with Bill Stout, Tim Bradstreet, Jim Daly, Rafa Garres, El Garing and so many other genius illustrators of the tale fantastic!

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